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Prevent Dryers Fire & Application Repair

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Your family's safety could be at risk from a potential fire hazard in your clothes dryer! If you haven't had the dryer vent cleaned recently, a blockage could be causing the temperature to reach an unsafe level. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2,900 dryer fires are reported annually and result in 5 fatalities, 100 injuries, and around $35 million in property damage. The leading cause of these fires is a dirty appliance that hasn't been cleaned out (34%). Not only is a dirty dryer vent a fire hazard, but it can also reduce the appliance's effectiveness, resulting in longer drying times and higher energy bills. Don't mistake the need for a vent cleaning for a need for a new dryer. Save time, money, and keep your family safe by calling Prevent Dryer Fire Inc. Our professionals will handle the messy job for you. The main difference between us and the other companies is that we can also fully dismantle the dryer and fully service it so, that you get a full solution.

Reasons to clean your Dryer Vents

Febrics taking forever to dry

Potential lint fires

Higher utility bills

Water damage inside walls from duct blokages

Our Dryer Vent Cleaning Services:


Comercial & Residental Dryer Vent Cleaning





why Dryer Vent Cleaning?

Prevent Dryer Fires Inc. offers professional dryer vent cleaning services to ensure the safety of your home. The company uses specialized tools and equipment to clean the venting system thoroughly, removing lint and other debris that could cause fires. A technician will visit your location, inspect your dryer, and provide a safe cleaning plan. Call Prevent Dryer Fires Inc. to keep your home safe from dryer-related fires.

Visual Inspection

Debris & Clog Removal

Booster Fan Cleaning

Fully dismantling the dryer

Commercial Dryer Vent Cleaning


Line Sanitizing

Lint Screen Cleaning

Multi-Unit Dryer Vent Cleaning

How Often to Clean a Dryer Vent?

The frequency of dryer vent cleaning depends on the usage of the dryer and the size of the household. For larger households that use the dryer daily, it is recommended to have the dryer vent cleaned and inspected every three to twelve months. For households that use the dryer less frequently, an annual cleaning is usually sufficient. Leading appliance manufacturers recommend annual dryer vent cleaning to prevent fires and other hazards to health and property. The dryer vent cleaning services offered by Prevent Dryer Fire provide not only improved safety but also benefits to your clothing, energy use, and laundry routine. Cleaning the lint trap regularly is important, but it only removes a small portion of the lint generated during the drying process. The rest of the lint accumulates in the dryer, the vent system. This reduces airflow and makes the dryer work harder, which can result in increased energy bills and pose a fire hazard. Therefore, it is crucial to know the recommended frequency for dryer vent cleaning and to follow a regular maintenance plan.

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The benefits of dryer vent cleaning include:

Fire Prevention

Save Money

Your clothes and dryer last longer and your energy bill is reduced when your dryer isn’t clogged.

Save Time

You should often be able to dry your clothes in one cycle making quick work of your laundry.   Shorter drying times for clothes, Saving ...

  • Price Value

Prevent Dryer Fires INC

  • Why use Prevent Dryer Fire Inc?

    The lint produced by the dryer is both in your ventilation and within the dryer. Unlike, other companies that only clean the vents which only solve 50% of the problem, OUR TECHS CAN ALSO FULLY DISMANTLE THE DRYER, SERVICE IT, AND REMOVE ALL INTERNAL LINT. This means we have resolved the problems 100%. All of our technicians complete specialized on-the-job training, so you can be sure, no matter where you are, you’ll receive expert dryer vent cleaning from Prevent Dryer Fire!

  • Can I clean a dryer vent myself?

    It is not recommended to clean a dryer vent on your own. Most households do not have the necessary tools to effectively clean the entire vent, and attempting to do so with household items can lead to damage to both the appliance and the vent itself. Additionally, if the vent is difficult to reach, it can pose a safety risk for individuals without proper training.

Call Us Today At

604 378 0516


Dryer lint causes nearly 3,000 fires every year

NBC TODAY Show: Dryer Fire Prevention, Sept. 2, 2008

Dryer Fires - The Hidden Danger

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